Consignment warehouse
Albeco consignment warehouse means spare parts for our customers at your fingertips! We offer the consignment warehouse service to production companies in order to ensure the constant availability of spare parts.
We offer the consignment warehouse service to manufacturing companies in order to ensure the constant availability of spare parts. Selected items are available in customer's warehouse 24 hours a day and 7 days in a wee. Payment's due only for retrieved goods with monthly billing Easy to use and clear system for keeping records of purchase. Automatic complement of retrieved products.
What is the Albeco consignment warehouse?
Albeco consignment warehouse is a designated warehouse space within the customer's warehouse. At this point, the customer is provided with a constant supply of selected products that he deems necessary to maintain the smooth operation of the production plant. Where is the consignment warehouse located? The consignment warehouse is located within the customer's warehouse space and is separate from it, which allows for efficient resource management and transparent record keeping.
How often are stocks of the consignment warehouse replenished?
At the beginning of cooperation with Albeco, the client determines which products are necessary for him and what the minimum stock level is allowed. The Albeco stock coordinator ensures that the minimum resources of each part are always available in the customer's warehouse.
How are settlements for the collected goods?
The client settles accounts with Albeco in the billing period specified at the beginning of the cooperation. For example, when keeping records of pickups from the warehouse during a calendar month, the products are paid for at the end of the month.
How to keep a record of downloads?
Albeco provides intuitive and easy-to-use software that facilitates keeping records of product collection from the warehouse. The software includes many amenities, e.g. the ability to keep notes on specific downloads, the ability to assign internal warehouse numbers, creating a summary report of downloads at the end of the billing period.
Does Albeco provide support for the duration of the consignment warehouse service?
Yes. From Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Albeco stock coordinator are ready to help and answer any questions you may have. In emergency situations, the consultant is available 24 hours a day. The service is addressed to regular end customers who make regular purchases of a specific product group.